Nepravishta R., Ramírez-Cárdenas J., Rocha G., Walpole S., Hicks T., Monaco S., Muñoz-García J.C., Angulo J. Fast Quantitative Validation of 3D Models of Low-Affinity Protein–Ligand Complexes by STD NMR Spectroscopy. 2024, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry.

Figure 1


Rocha G., Ramírez-Cárdenas J., Padilla-Pérez M. C., Walpole S., Nepravishta R., García-Moreno M. I., Sánchez-Fernández E. M., Ortiz Mellet C., Angulo J., Muñoz-García J. C. Speeding-up the Determination of Protein-Ligand Affinities by STD NMR: The Reduced Data Set STD NMR Approach (rd-STD NMR), 2024, Analytical Chemistry




Silva-Díaz A., Ramírez-Cardenas J., Muñoz-García J. C., de la Fuernte M. C., Thépaut M., Fieschi F., Ramos-Soriano J., Angulo J., Rojo J. Fluorinated Man9 as a High Mannose Mimetic to Unravel Its Recognition by DC-SIGN Using NMR, 2023, Journal of the American Chemical Society



Monaco S., Angulo A., Wallace M. Imaging Saturation Transfer Difference (STD) NMR: Affinity and Specificity of Protein-Ligand Interactions from a Single NMR Sample, 2023, Journal of the American Chemical Society


Malec K., Monaco S., Delso I., Nestorowicz J., Kozakiewicz-Latała M.,  Karolewicz B., Khimyak Y. Z., Angulo J., Nartowski K. P., Unravelling the mechanisms of drugs partitioning phenomena in micellar systems via NMR spectroscopy, 2023, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science.


Perez S., Makshakova O., Angulo J., Bedini E., Bisio A., de Paz J. L., Fadda E., Guerrini M., Hricovini M., Hricovini M., Lisacek F., Nieto P. M., Pagel K., Paiardi G., Richter R., Samsonov S. A., Vivès R. R., Nikitovic D., Ricard Blum S. Glycosaminoglycans: What Remains To Be Deciphered?, 2023, Jacs Au.





Monaco S., Ramírez-Cárdenas J., Carmona A. T., Robina I., Angulo J., Inter-Ligand STD NMR: An Efficient 1D NMR Approach to Probe Relative Orientation of Ligands in a Multi-Subsite Protein Binding Pocket,2022, Pharmaceuticals.


Huettner I., Krumm S. A., Serna S., Brzezicka K., Monaco S., Walpole S., van Diepen A., Allan F., Hicks T., Kimuda S., Emery A. M., Landais E., Hokke C. H., Angulo J., Reichardt N., Doores K. J. Cross-reactivity of glycan-reactive HIV-1 broadly neutralizing antibodies with parasite glycans, 2022, Cell Reports




Wu H., Crost E. H., Owen C. D., van Bakel W., Martínez Gascueña A., Latousakis D., Hicks T., Walpole S., Urbanowicz P. A., Ndeh D., Monaco S., Sánchez Salom L., Griffiths R., Reynolds R. S., Colvile A., Spencer D. I. R., Walsh M., Angulo A., Juge N. The human gut symbiont Ruminococcus gnavus shows specificity to blood group A antigen during mucin glycan foraging: Implication for niche colonisation in the gastrointestinal tract, 2021, PLoS Biology


Gabrielli V., Muñoz-García J. C., Pergolizzi G., de Andrade P., Khimyak Y. Z., Field R. A., Angulo J. Molecular Recognition of Natural and Non-Natural Substrates by Cellodextrin Phosphorylase from Ruminiclostridium Thermocellum Investigated by NMR Spectroscopy, 2021, Chemistry- A European Journal.

Description unavailable


García-García A., Hicks T., El Qaidi S., Zhu C., Hardwidge P. R., Angulo J., Hurtado-Guerrro R. NleB/SseK-catalyzed arginine-glycosylation and enteropathogen virulence are finely tuned by a single variable position contiguous to the catalytic machinery, 2021, Chemical Science.


Nepravishta R., Monaco S., Distefano M., Rizzo R., Cescutti P., Angulo J., Multifrequency STD NMR Unveils the Interactions of Antibiotics With Burkholderia multivorans Biofilm Exopolysaccharide, 2021, Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences.


García-García A., Serna S., Yang Z., Delso I., Taleb V., Hicks T., Artschwager R., Vakhrushev S. Y., Clausen H:, Angulo J., Corzana F., Reichardt N. C., Hurtado-Guerrero R. FUT8-Directed Core Fucosylation of N-glycans Is Regulated by the Glycan Structure and Protein Environment, 2021, ACS Catalysis



Gabrielli V., Kuraite A., Alves da Silva M., Edler K. J., Angulo J., Nepravishta R., Muñoz-García J. C., Khimyac Y. Z. Spin diffusion transfer difference (SDTD) NMR: An advanced method for the characterisation of water structuration within particle networks, 2021, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science.



Martin K. C., Tricomi J., Corzana F., García-García A., Ceballos-Laita L., Hicks T., Monaco S., Angulo J., Hurtado-Guerrero R., Richichi B., Sackstein R. Fucosyltransferase-specific inhibitionvianext generation of fucose mimetics, 2021, Chemical Communications


de Andrade P., Muñoz-García J. C., Pergolizzi G., Gabrielli V., Nepogodiev S. A., Iuga D., Fábián L., Rigmatullin R., Johns M. A., Harniman R., Eirchhorn S. J., Angulo ., Khimyak Y. Z., Field R. A. Chemoenzymatic Synthesis of Fluorinated Cellodextrins Identifies a New Allomorph for Cellulose-Like Materials, 2021, CHemistry-A European Journal.


Description unavailable


Latorre-Muro P., Baeza J., Hurtado-Guerrero R., Hicks T., Delso I., Hernández-Ruiz C., Velázquez-Campoy A., Lawton A. J., Angulo J., Denu J. M., Carrodeguas J. A. Self-acetylation at the active site of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PCK1) controls enzyme activity, 2021, Journal of Biological Chemistry.


Furze C. M., Delso I., Casal E., Guy C. S., Seddon C., Brown C. M., Parker H. L., Radhakrishnan A., Pacheco-Gómez R., Stansfeld P. J., Angulo J., Cameron A. D., Fullam E. Structural basis of trehalose recognition by the mycobacterial LpqY-SugABC transporter, 2021, Journal of Biological Chemistry.




Hall J. L., Sohail A., Macdonald C., Stockner T., Sitte H. H., Angulo J., MacMillan F. Saturation transfer difference NMR on the integral trimeric membrane transport protein GltPh determines cooperative substrate binding, 2020, Scientifics Reports.


Montis C., Joseph P., Magnani C., Marín-Menéndez A., Barbero F., Ruiz Estrada A., Nepravishta R., Angulo J., Checcuci A., Mengoni A. Morris C. J., Berti D. Multifunctional nanoassemblies target bacterial lipopolysaccharides for enhanced antimicrobial DNA delivery2020, Colloid and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces.



Bell A., Severi E., Lee M., Monaco S., Latousakis D., Angulo J., Thomas G. H., Naismith J. H., Juge N. Uncovering a novel molecular mechanism for scavenging sialic acids in bacteria2020Journal of Biological Chemistry.


Monaco S., Walpole S., Duokani H., Nepravishta R., Martínez-Bailén M., Carmona A. T., Ramos-Soriano J., Bergström M., Robina I., Angulo J. Exploring Multi-Subsite Binding Pockets in Proteins: DEEP-STD NMR Fingerprinting and Molecular Dynamics Unveil a Cryptic Subsite at the GM1 Binding Pocket of Cholera Toxin B, 2020Chemistry-A European Journal.

Description unavailable


Nigmatullin R. Johns M.A.Muñoz-García J.C.Gabrielli V.Schmitt J.Angulo J.Khimyak Y.Z.Scott J.L.Edler K.J.Eichhorn S.J. Hydrophobization of Cellulose Nanocrystals for Aqueous Colloidal Suspensions and Gels, 2020, Biomacromolecules.



Wu, H., Rebello, O., Crost, E. H., Owen, C. D., Walpole, S., Bennati-Granier, C., Ndeh, D., Monaco, S., Hicks, T., Colvile, A., Urbanowicz, P. A., Walsh, M. A., Angulo, J., Spencer, D. I. R. & Juge, N. Fucosidases from the human gut symbiont Ruminococcus gnavus, 2020 Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences.


Fig. 6



Bell, A., Brunt, J., Crost, E., Vaux, L., Nepravishta, R., Owen, D., Latousakis, D., Xiao, A., Li, W., Chen, X., Walsh, M. A., Claesen, J., Angulo, J., Thomas, G. H. & Juge, N. Elucidation of a novel sialic acid metabolism pathway in mucus-foraging bacteria unravels mechanisms of adaptation to the gut, 2019, Nature Microbiology. 4, p. 2393–2404 12 p.

Wallace, M., Hicks, T., Khimyak, Y. & Angulo, J. Self-Correcting Method for the Measurement of Free Calcium and Magnesium Concentrations by 1H NMR2019, Analytical Chemistry. 91, 22, 14442-14450.

Abstract Image

Structural basis of glycerophosphodiester recognition by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis substrate-binding protein UgpB

Fenn, J., Nepravishta, R., Guy, C., Harrison, J., Angulo, J., Cameron, A. & Fullam, E., 20 Sep 2019, In : ACS Chemical Biology. 14, 9, p. 1879-1887


Bug Off Pain: An Educational Virtual Reality Game on Spider Venoms and Chronic Pain for Public Engagement

Bibic, L., Druskis, J., Walpole, S., Angulo Alvarez, J. & Stokes, L., 9 Jul 2019, In : Journal of Chemical Education. 96, 7, p. 1486-1490


Tunable supramolecular gels by varying thermal history

Debnath, S., Roy, S., Abul-Haija, Y. M., Frederix, P., Ramalhete, S., Hirst, A. G., Javid, N., Hunt, N., Kelly, S., Angulo Alvarez, J., Khimyak, Y. & Ulijn, R., 12 Jun 2019, In : Chemistry – A European Journal. 25, 33, p. 7881-7887 7 p.


Spatially Resolved STD-NMR Applied to the Study of Solute Transport in Biphasic Systems. Application to Protein-Ligand Interactions

Nepravishta, R., Monaco, S., Munoz Garcia, J., Khimyak, Y. & Angulo, J., 1 May 2019, In : Natural Product Communications. 14, 5, p. 1-6


Identification of selective protein-protein interaction inhibitors using efficient in silico peptide-directed ligand design

Beekman, A. M., Cominetti, M. M. D., Walpole, S. J., Prabhu, S., O’Connell, M. A., Angulo Alvarez, J. & Searcey, M., 28 Apr 2019, In : Chemical Science. 10, 16, p. 4502-4508 7 p.


Mapping a novel positive allosteric modulator binding site in the central vestibule region of human P2X7

Bidula, S. M., Cromer, B. A., Walpole, S., Angulo, J. & Stokes, L., 1 Mar 2019, In : Scientific Reports. 9, 1, 3231.


Deriving ligand orientation on weak protein-ligand complexes by DEEP-STD NMR in the absence of protein chemical shift assignment

Nepravishta, R., Walpole, S., Tailford, L., Juge, N. & Angulo, J., 1 Feb 2019, In : ChemBioChem. 20, 3, p. 340-344


Understanding heat driven gelation of anionic cellulose nanofibrils: Combining Saturation Transfer Difference (STD) NMR, Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) and rheology

Calabrese, V., Muñoz-García, J. C., Schmitt, J., da Silva, M. A., Scott, J. L., Angulo, J., Khimyak, Y. Z. & Edler, K. J., 1 Feb 2019, In : Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 535, p. 205-213


Unravelling the Specificity of Laminaribiose Phosphorylase from Paenibacillus sp. YM‐1 towards Donor Substrates Glucose/Mannose 1‐Phosphate by Using X‐ray Crystallography and Saturation Transfer Difference NMR Spectroscopy

Kuhaudomlarp, S., Walpole, S., Stevenson, C. EM., Nepogodiev, S. A., Lawson, D. M., Angulo, J. & Field, R. A., 18 Jan 2019, In : ChemBioChem. 20, 2, p. 181-192


Serine-Rich Repeat Protein adhesins from Lactobacillus reuteri display strain specific glycosylation profiles

Latousakis, D., Nepravishta, R., Rejzek, M., Wegmann, U., Le Gall, G., Kavanaugh, D., Colquhoun, I., Frese, S., MacKenzie, D., Walter, J., Angulo, J., Field, R. & Juge, N., 1 Jan 2019, In : Glycobiology. 29, 1, p. 45-58 14 p.


Ginsenosides act as positive modulators of P2X4 receptors

Dhuna, K., Felgate, M., Bidula, S., Walpole, S., Bibic, L., Cromer, B., Angulo, J., Sanderson, J., Stebbing, M. & Stokes, L., Jan 2019, In : Molecular Pharmacology. 95, 2, p. 210-221 12 p.


Thermosensitive supramolecular and colloidal hydrogels via self-assembly modulated by hydrophobized cellulose nanocrystals

Nigmatullin, R., Gabrielli, V., Muñoz-García, J. C., Lewandowska, A. E., Harniman, R., Khimyak, Y. Z., Angulo, J. & Eichhorn, S. J., Jan 2019, In : Cellulose. 26, 1, p. 529–542


Discovery of Small Molecule WWP2 Ubiquitin Ligase Inhibitors

Watt, J., Hughes, G., Walpole, S., Monaco, S., Stephenson, G., Bulman Page, P., Hemmings, A., Angulo, J. & Chantry, A., 3 Dec 2018, In : Chemistry – A European Journal. 24, 67, p. 17677-17680 4 p.


Structural basis for arginine glycosylation of host substrates by bacterial effector proteins

Park, J. B., Kim, Y. H., Yoo, Y., Kim, J., Jun, S-H., Cho, J. W., El-Qaidi, S., Walpole, S., Monaco, S., Garcia-Garcia, A. A., Wu, M., Hays, M. P., Hurtado-Guerrero, R., Angulo, J., Hardwidge, P. R., Shin, J-S. & Cho, H-S., 16 Oct 2018, In : Nature Communications. 9, 4283.


Surfactant controlled zwitterionic cellulose nanofibril dispersions

Calabrese, V., da Silva, M. A., Schmitt, J., Muñoz-Garcia, J. C., Gabrielli, V., Scott, J. L., Angulo, J., Khimyak, Y. Z. & Edler, K. J., 14 Oct 2018, In : Soft Matter. 14, 38, p. 7793-7800


STD NMR as a Technique for Ligand Screening and Structural Studies

Walpole, S., Monaco, S., Nepravishta, R. & Angulo, J., 14 Sep 2018, Methods in Enzymology. Elsevier, Vol. 608.


Mechanically Robust Gels Formed from Hydrophobized Cellulose Nanocrystals

Nigmatullin, R., Harniman, R., Gabrielli, V., Muñoz-García, J. C., Khimyak, Y. Z., Angulo, J. & Eichhorn, S. J., 13 Jun 2018, In : ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 10, 23, p. 19318–19322 5 p.


Structural basis for the role of Serine-Rich Repeat Proteins from Lactobacillus reuteri in gut microbe-host interactions

Sequeira, S., Kavanaugh, D., Mackenzie, D., Suligoj, T., Walpole, S., Leclaire, C., Gunning, A. P., Latousakis, D., Willats, W., Angulo, J., Dong, C. & Juge, N., 20 Mar 2018, In : Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. 115, 12, p. E2706-E2715 10 p.


Unravelling the specificity and mechanism of sialic acid recognition by the gut symbiont Ruminococcus gnavus

Owen, C. D., Tailford, L. E., Monaco, S., Šuligoj, T., Vaux, L., Lallement, R., Khedri, Z., Yu, H., Lecointe, K., Walshaw, J., Tribolo, S., Horrex, M., Bell, A., Chen, X., Taylor, G. L., Varki, A., Angulo, J. & Juge, N., 19 Dec 2017, In : Nature Communications. 8, 2196.


Differential Epitope Mapping by STD NMR Spectroscopy To Reveal the Nature of Protein–Ligand Contacts

Monaco, S., Tailford, L. E., Juge, N. & Angulo, J., 27 Nov 2017, In : Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 129, 48, p. 15491–15495 5 p.


Supramolecular amino acid based hydrogels: probing the contribution of additive molecules using NMR spectroscopy

Ramalhete, S., Nartowski, K., Sarathchandra, N., Foster, J., Round, A., Angulo, J., Lloyd, G. & Khimyak, Y., 12 Jun 2017, In : Chemistry – A European Journal. 23, 33, p. 8014–8024


Cytotoxicity of Pyrazine-Based Cyclometalated (C^Npz^C)Au(III) Carbene Complexes: Impact of the Nature of the Ancillary Ligand on the Biological Properties

Bertrand, B., Fernandez-Cestau, J., Angulo, J., Cominetti, M. M. D., Waller, Z. A. E., Searcey, M., O’Connell, M. A. & Bochmann, M., 15 May 2017, In : Inorganic Chemistry. 56, 10, p. 5728–5740 13 p.


Spin Saturation Transfer Difference NMR (SSTD NMR): a new tool to obtain kinetic parameters of chemical exchange processes

Quirós, M. T., Macdonald, C., Angulo, J. & Paz, M., 12 Nov 2016, In : Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE. 117, p. e54499


Correction: Substituent interference on supramolecular assembly in urea gelators: synthesis, structure prediction and NMR

Piana, F., Case, D. H., Ramalhete, S. M., Pileio, G., Facciotti, M., Day, G. M., Khimyak, Y. Z., Angulo, J., Brown, R. C. D. & Gale, P. A., 28 Jun 2016, In : Soft Matter. 12, p. 5489 1 p.


Substituent interference on supramolecular assembly in urea gelators: synthesis, structure prediction and NMR

Piana, F., Case, D. H., Campos E Menezes Jorge Ramalhete, S., Pileio, G., Facciotti, M., Day, G. M., Khimyak, Y., Angulo, J., Brown, R. C. D. & Gale, P. A., 7 May 2016, In : Soft Matter. 12, 17, p. 4034-4043 12 p.


Unveiling the “Three Finger Pharmacophore” required for p53-MDM2 Inhibition by Saturation Transfer Difference NMR Initial Growth Rates Approach

Angulo, J., Goffin, S., Gandhi, D., Searcey, M. & Howell, L., 18 Apr 2016, In : Chemistry – A European Journal. 22, 17, p. 5858-5862 5 p.


Detection and Quantitative Analysis of Two Independent Binding Modes of a Small Ligand Responsible for DC-SIGN Clustering

Guzzi, C., Alfarano, P., Sutkeviciute, I., Sattin, S., Ribeiro-viana, R., Fieschi, F., Bernardi, A., Weiser, J., Rojo, J., Angulo, J. & Nieto, P. M., 7 Jan 2016, In : Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry. 14, 1, p. 335-344 10 p.


Kinetics of Intramolecular Chemical Exchange by Initial Growth Rates of Spin Saturation Transfer Difference Experiments (SSTD NMR)

Quiros, M. T., Angulo, J. & Muñoz, M. P., 25 Jun 2015, In : Chemical Communications. 51, 50, p. 10222-10225 4 p.


Langerin-Heparin Interaction: Two Binding Sites for Small and Large Ligands as revealed by a combination of NMR Spectroscopy and Cross-Linking Mapping Experiments

Muñoz-García, J. C., Chabrol, E., Vives, R. R., Thomas, A., de Paz, J. L., Rojo, J., Imberty, A., Fieschi, F., Nieto, P. M. & Angulo, J., Apr 2015, In : Journal of the American Chemical Society. 137, 12, p. 4100-4110 11 p.


Assembling different antennas of the gp120 high mannose-type glycans on gold nanoparticles provides superior binding to the anti-HIV antibody 2G12 than the individual antennas

Chiodo, F., Enriquez-Navas, P. M., Angulo, J., Marradi, M. & Penadés, S., 20 Mar 2015, In : Carbohydrate Research. 405, p. 102-109


NMR Techniques for the Study of Transient Intermolecular Interactions

Angulo, J., Arda, A., Cabrita, E. J., Martin-Pastor, M., Jimenez-Barbero, J. & Nieto, P. M., 2015, Structure Elucidation in Organic Chemistry : The Search for the Right Tools. Cid, M. & Bravo, J. (eds.). Wiley, p. 325 360 p.


Structures of Glycans Bound to Receptors from Saturation Transfer Difference (STD) NMR Spectroscopy: Quantitative Analysis by Using CORCEMA-ST

Enríquez-Navas, PM., Guzzi, C., Muñoz-García, J. C., Nieto, P. M. & Angulo, J., 2015, Glycoinformatics. Lütteke, T. & Frank, M. (eds.). 1 ed. Springer (Humana Press), Vol. 1273. p. 475-487 (Methods in Molecular Biology; vol. 1273).


A STD-NMR study of the interaction of the Anabaena Ferredoxin-NAD reductase with the Coenzyme

Antonini, L. V., Peregrina, J. R., Angulo, J., Medina, M. & Nieto, P. M., 7 Jan 2014, In : Molecules. 19, 1, p. 672-685 14 p.


Importance of the Polarity of the Glycosaminoglycan Chain on the Interaction with Fgf-1

Muñoz-García, J. C., Garcia-Jimenez, M. J., Carrero, P., Canales, A., Jimenez-Barbero, J., Martin-Lomas, M., Imberty, A., De Paz, J., Angulo, J., Lortat-Jacob, H. & Nieto, P. M., 2014, In : Glycobiology. 24, 11, p. 1004-1009 6 p.


The binding of TIA-1 to RNA C-rich sequences is driven by its C-terminal RRM domain

Cruz-Gallardo, I., Aroca, A., Gunzburg, M. J., Sivakumaran, A., Yoon, J-H., Angulo, J., Persson, C., Karlsson, B. G. & Diaz-Moreno, I., 2014, In : RNA Biology. 11, 6, p. 766-776 11 p.


Synthesis, Biological Evaluation, WAC and NMR Studies of S-Galactosides and Non-Carbohydrate Ligands of Cholera Toxin Based on Polyhydroxyalkylfuroate Moieties

Angulo, J. & Robina, I., 23 Dec 2013, In : Chemistry – A European Journal. 19, 52, p. 17989–18003


3D structure of a heparin mimetic analogue of a FGF-1 activator. A NMR and molecular modelling study

Muñoz-García, J. C., Solera, C., Carrero, P., de Paz, J. L., Angulo, J. & Nieto, P. M., 21 Dec 2013, In : Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry. 11, 47, p. 8269-8275 7 p.


Conformations of the Iduronate ring in short Heparin Fragments described by Time-Averaged Distance Restrained Molecular Dynamics (tar-MD)

Munoz Garcia, J., Corzana, F., de Paz, J. L., Angulo, J. & Nieto, P. M., Nov 2013, In : Glycobiology. 23, 11, p. 1220-1229 10 p.


Synthesis of chondroitin/dermatan sulfate-like oligosaccharides and evaluation of their protein affinity by fluorescence polarization

Maza, S., Kayser, M. M., Macchione, G., López-Prados, J., Angulo, J., de Paz, J. L. & Nieto, P. M., 7 Jun 2013, In : Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry. 11, 21, p. 3510-3525 16 p.


Selective targeting of dendritic cell-specific intercellular adhesion molecule-3-grabbing nonintegrin (DC-SIGN) with mannose-based glycomimetics: synthesis and interaction studies of bis(benzylamide) derivatives of a pseudomannobioside

Varga, N., Sutkeviciute, I., Guzzi, C., McGeagh, J., Petit-Haertlein, I., Gugliotta, S., Weiser, J., Angulo, J., Fieschi, F. & Bernardi, A., 8 Apr 2013, In : Chemistry – A European Journal. 19, 15, p. 4786-4797 12 p.


Structure of a Glycomimetic Ligand in the Carbohydrate Recognition Domain of C-type Lectin DC-SIGN. Structural Requirements for Selectivity and Ligand Design

Thépaut, M., Guzzi, C., Sutkeviciute, I., Sattin, S., Ribeiro-Viana, R., Varga, N., Chabrol, E., Rojo, J., Bernardi, A., Angulo, J., Nieto, P. M. & Fieschi, F., 20 Feb 2013, In : Journal of the American Chemical Society. 135, 7, p. 2518-2529 12 p.


Insights into the glycosaminoglycan-mediated cytotoxic mechanism of eosinophil cationic protein revealed by NMR

García-Mayoral, M. F., Canales, A., Díaz, D., López-Prados, J., Moussaoui, M., de Paz, J. L., Angulo, J., Nieto, P. M., Jiménez-Barbero, J., Boix, E. & Bruix, M., 18 Jan 2013, In : ACS Chemical Biology. 8, 1, p. 144-1451 8 p.


NMR studies on carbohydrate interactions with DC-SIGN towards a quantitative STD analysis

Guzzi, C., Muñoz-García, J. C., Enriquez-Navas, P. M., Rojo, J., Angulo, J. & Nieto, P. M., 2013, In : Pure and Applied Chemistry. 85, 9, p. 1771-1787 7 p.


Effect of the substituents of the neighboring ring in the conformational equilibrium of iduronate in heparin-like trisaccharides

Muñoz-García, J. C., López-Prados, J., Angulo, J., Díaz-Contreras, I., Reichardt, N., de Paz, J. L., Martín-Lomas, M. & Nieto, P. M., 7 Dec 2012, In : Chemistry – A European Journal. 18, 51, p. 16319-16331 13 p.


sp2-Iminosugar O-, S-, and N-glycosides as conformational mimics of α-linked disaccharides; implications for glycosidase inhibition

Sánchez-Fernández, E. M., Rísquez-Cuadro, R., Ortiz Mellet, C., García Fernández, J. M., Nieto, P. M. & Angulo, J., 2 Jul 2012, In : Chemistry – A European Journal. 18, 27, p. 8527-8539 13 p.


STD NMR study of the interactions between antibody 2G12 and synthetic oligomannosides that mimic selected branches of gp120 glycans

Enríquez-Navas, P. M., Chiodo, F., Marradi, M., Angulo, J. & Penadés, S., 18 Jun 2012, In : ChemBioChem. 13, 9, p. 1357-1365 9 p.


Synthesis of amine-functionalized heparin oligosaccharides for the investigation of carbohydrate–protein interactions in microtiter plates

Maza, S., Macchione, G., Ojeda, R., López-Prados, J., Angulo, J., De Paz, J. L. & Nieto, P. M., 1 Jan 2012, In : Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry. 10, 10, p. 2146-2163 18 p.


Insights into molecular recognition of Lewis(X) mimics by DC-SIGN using NMR and molecular modelling

Guzzi, C., Angulo, J., Doro, F., Reina, J. J., Thépaut, M., Fieschi, F., Bernardi, A., Rojo, J. & Nieto, P. M., 26 Oct 2011, In : Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry. 9, 22, p. 7705-7712 8 p.


Gold nanoparticles coated with oligomannosides of HIV-1 glycoprotein gp120 mimic the carbohydrate epitope of antibody 2G12

Marradi, M., Di Gianvincenzo, P., Enríquez-Navas, P. M., Martínez-Ávila, O. M., Chiodo, F., Yuste, E., Angulo, J. & Penadés, S., 29 Jul 2011, In : Journal of Molecular Biology. 410, 5, p. 798-810 13 p.


A solution NMR study of the interactions of oligomannosides and the anti-HIV-1 2G12 antibody reveals distinct binding modes for branched ligands

Enríquez-Navas, P. M., Marradi, M., Padro, D., Angulo, J. & Penadés, S., 1 Feb 2011, In : Chemistry – A European Journal. 17, 5, p. 1547-1560 14 p.


Ligand-Receptor Binding Affinities from Saturation Transfer Difference (STD) NMR Spectroscopy: The Binding Isotherm of STD Initial Growth Rates

Angulo, J., Enríquez-navas, PM. & Nieto, PM., 12 Jul 2010, In : Chemistry – A European Journal. 16, 26, p. 7803-7812 10 p.


Saturation transfer difference (STD) NMR spectroscopy characterization of dual binding mode of a mannose disaccharide to DC-SIGN

Angulo, J., Díaz, I., Reina, J. J., Tabarani, G., Fieschi, F., Rojo, J. & Nieto, P. M., 22 Sep 2008, In : ChemBioChem. 9, 14, p. 2225-2227 3 p.


Fragment-based screening of the donor substrate specificity of human blood group B galactosyltransferase using saturation transfer difference NMR

Blume, A., Angulo, J., Biet, T., Peters, H., Benie, A. J., Palcic, M. & Peters, T., 27 Oct 2006, In : Journal of Biological Chemistry. 281, 43, p. 32728-32740 13 p.


Blood Group B Galactosyltransferase: Insights into Substrate Binding from NMR Experiments

Angulo, J., Langpap, B., Blume, A., Biet, T., Meyer, B., Krishna, N. R., Peters, H., Palcic, M. M. & Peters, T., 1 Oct 2006, In : Journal of the American Chemical Society. 128, 41, p. 13529-13538 10 p.


Solution NMR structure of a human FGF-1 monomer, activated by a hexasaccharide heparin-analogue

Canales, A., Lozano, R., López-Méndez, B., Angulo, J., Ojeda, R., Nieto, P. M., Martín-Lomas, M., Giménez-Gallego, G. & Jiménez-Barbero, J., 1 Oct 2006, In : FEBS Journal. 273, 20, p. 4716-4727 12 p.


Backbone dynamics of a biologically active human FGF-1 monomer, complexed to a hexasaccharide heparin-analogue, by N NMR relaxation methods

Canales-Mayordomo, A., Fayos, R., Lozano, R., Giménez-Gallego, G., Jiménez-Barbero, J., Angulo, J., Ojeda, R., Nieto, P. M., Martín-Lomas, M. & Martín-Pastor, M., 1 Aug 2006, In : Journal of Biomolecular NMR. 35, 4, p. 225-239 15 p.


NMR Analysis of Carbohydrate-Protein Interactions

Angulo, J., Rademacher, C., Biet, T., Benie, A. J., Blume, A., Peters, H., Palcic, M., Parra, F. & Peters, T., 2006, Methods in Enzymology. Vol. 416. p. 12-30 19 p.


Dynamic properties of biologically active synthetic heparin-like hexasaccharides

Angulo, J., Hricovíni, M., Gairi, M., Guerrini, M., de Paz, J. L., Ojeda, R., Martín-Lomas, M. & Nieto, P. M., 1 Oct 2005, In : Glycobiology. 15, 10, p. 1008-1015 8 p.


Neutralization of a common cold virus by concatemers of the third ligand binding module of the VLDL-receptor strongly depends on the number of modules

Moser, R., Snyers, L., Wruss, J., Angulo, J., Peters, H., Peters, T. & Blaas, D., 1 Aug 2005, In : Virology. 338, 2, p. 259-269 11 p.


Conformational flexibility of a synthetic glycosylaminoglycan bound to a fibroblast growth factor. FGF-1 recognizes both the C and S conformations of a bioactive heparin-like hexasaccharide

Canales, A., Angulo, J., Ojeda, R., Bruix, M., Fayos, R., Lozano, R., Giménez-Gallego, G., Martín-Lomas, M., Nieto, P. M. & Jiménez-Barbero, J., 27 Apr 2005, In : Journal of the American Chemical Society. 127, 16, p. 5778-5779 2 p.


The conformational behaviour of α,β-trehalose-like disaccharides and their C-glycosyl, imino-C-glycosyl and carbagalactose analogues depends on the chemical nature of the modification: an NMR investigation

Garcı́a-Aparicio, V., Fernández-Alonso, M. D. C., Angulo, J., Asensio, J. L., Cañada, F. J., Jiménez-Barbero, J., Mootoo, D. R. & Cheng, X., 24 Jan 2005, In : Tetrahedron: Asymmetry. 16, 2, p. 519-527 9 p.


The heparin-Ca(2+) interaction: the influence of the O-sulfation pattern on binding

Chevalier, F., Lucas, R., Angulo, J., Martin-Lomas, M. & Nieto, P. M., 2 Apr 2004, In : Carbohydrate Research. 339, 5, p. 975-983 9 p.


A molecular dynamics description of the conformational flexibility of the L-iduronate ring in glycosaminoglycans

Angulo, J., Nieto, P. M. & Martín-Lomas, M., 7 Jul 2003, In : Chemical Communications. 9, 13, p. 1512-1513 2 p.


Synthesis and structural study of two new heparin-like hexasaccharides

Lucas, R., Angulo, J., Nieto, P. M. & Martín-Lomas, M., 7 Jul 2003, In : Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry. 1, 13, p. 2253-2266 14 p.


The activation of fibroblast growth factors by heparin: Synthesis and structural study of rationally modified heparin-like oligosaccharides

Ojeda, R., Angulo, J., Nieto, P. M. & Martín-lomas, M., 1 Aug 2002, In : Canadian Journal of Chemistry (CJC). 80, 8, p. 917-936 20 p.


The heparin-Ca(2+) interaction: Structure of the Ca(2+) binding site

Angulo, J., Chevalier, F., Lucas, R., Nieto, P. M. & Martin-Lomas, M., 2002, In : European Journal of Organic Chemistry. 14, p. 2367-2376 10 p.


The activation of fibroblast growth factors by heparin: synthesis, structure, and biological activity of heparin-like oligosaccharides

de Paz, J-L., Angulo, J., Lassaletta, JM., Nieto, P. M., Redondo-Horcajo, M., Lozano, R. M., Giménez-Gallego, G. & Martín-Lomas, M., 3 Sep 2001, In : ChemBioChem. 2, 9, p. 673-685 13 p.


Interaction of heparin with Ca2+: A model study with a synthetic heparin-like hexasaccharide

Angulo, J., De Paz, J., Nieto, P. M. & Martín-lomas, M., 1 May 2001, In : Israel Journal of Chemistry. 40, 3-4, p. 289-299 11 p.


The solution conformation of glycosyl inositols related to inositolphosphoglycan (IPG) mediators

Martin-Lomas, M., Nieto, P. M., Khiar, N., Garcı́a, S., Flores-Mosquera, M., Poirot, E., Angulo, J. & Muñoz, J. L., 28 Jan 2000, In : Tetrahedron: Asymmetry. 11, 1, p. 37-51 15 p.